How To Care For Swan Eggs: The Complete Guide


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Swans are known for their beautiful white eggs that are often used in displays of art and design. Here, we will give you a detailed guide on how to care for swan eggs.

A swan lays 7 eggs per year. However, there are lots of variations, up to thirteen eggs being the maximum they can lay in a year.

If you’ve ever wanted to see these beautiful eggs up close, this guide is the perfect solution. Not only is it helpful for anyone who might want to keep swan eggs as pets but it also is useful if you have an interest in natural science. We hope that this helps you learn more about these fascinating birds and their eggs!

Swan Eggs: size, colors, weight, and shape

The incubation period for a swan egg is a long time, which is why it is important to know how to care for the swan eggs. The female swan lays up to seven eggs between late April and early May

A wild white egg can weigh anywhere from 1.75 lbs up to 3.5 lbs, with an average size of 1.83 inches in diameter. They are typically all round in shape, but occasionally there will be variations, including slightly pointed or blunt ends and very large eggs for example, which can weigh as much as 4 lbs!

Color of swan eggs

How To Care For Swan Eggs: The color of Swan eggs

The color of the egg is a bluish-grey when it first emerges from its mother, due to pigments that were added as the shell was forming. This shade gradually changes over time until it turns brownish and olivine-green once inside the nest.

The cob stands on eggs in order to move them around, while they are also frequently bumped by their webbed feet and scratched with their talons; most likely because of these actions, there are numerous small cracks and scratches on an egg’s surface.

If an egg breaks while still soft enough for both parents to consume its contents together (which I have never seen happen), then one parent will usually guard or remove a broken shell the next time he or she sees someone approaching his/her nesting location.

Synchronized hatching of Swan eggs

As you know, it takes around one to two days for a swan to create an egg, after mating has occurred. However, only one egg can be produced at a time so as you can imagine it could take up to two weeks for the clutch of six eggs from the pen.

The main problem with this is that if the first baby started hatching from when it was laid by the pen (i.e embryo starting and getting ready), then hatching would occur two weeks prior before any other cygnet emerged out of their eggs due to staggered emergence in case there were no complications.

This way either all babies would die or if they followed their inclinations like those who hatched first originally due then later ones wouldn’t come forth because they are past their prime now – negative impact

In general, laying eggs is energetically and nutritionally demanding. The female swan needs to be in prime condition when her clutch of eggs is laid in order to provide the life support package they will need as hatchlings grow into babies before their time.

As you know, it takes around one to two days for a swan to create an egg, after mating has occurred. However, only one egg can be produced at a time so as you can imagine it could take up to two weeks for the clutch of six eggs from the pen.

The solution Mute Swans employs is to lay their clutch of eggs and incubate them at the same time. By doing this, they are able to provide for all hatchlings’ needs with less effort because they will emerge from their eggs simultaneously rather than one after another over a long period of time.

This way, parents can care for them properly since there won’t be any different stages like an embryo that has some needs in-between those of a baby swan and full adult swan.

How Long Does it Take to Hatch a Swan Egg?

Hatching a Swan Egg can take anywhere from 35-41 days. For the first few weeks, the egg is a clear, gelatinous material that gradually becomes more solid and opaque. The baby swan will then start to make its way out of the egg over a period of about 1 to 2 days.

After hatching, The young birds, or cygnets, sometimes ride on their parent’s backs and remain with the adult birds for four or five months.

Moreover, the chick will have its beak fully grown and can eat solid food.

The most important part of caring for your swan eggs is keeping them warm. If it gets too cold, they will stop developing and die prematurely. You should also ensure that they are never in direct sunlight or near an open window because this can cause them to dry out and crack.

If you want your eggs to hatch without any complications, you’ll need to provide lots of water for them throughout their development period. A humidifier can be used for this purpose as well as misting the surface of the egg every day once it starts hatching to keep them moist and prevent cracks from forming.

It’s not difficult or expensive to care for these eggs; just make sure you follow these simple tips!


The Arctic Swan pen incubates her eggs by sitting directly on them. The temperature of the egg is brought up to a high enough level so that it can develop. To help the development of a baby inside an egg, it needs to have a temperature high enough for them to be able to develop.

To facilitate the transfer of heat, she will fluff her feathers up on her breast and belly just before sitting down on the clutch. Why this is beneficial is that it brings the eggs shell closer to your skin or even touches it – meaning more efficient heating occurs.

As we all know, feathers are an excellent insulator (very poor at allowing heat to pass through), so moving them out of the way helps tremendously with making sure that as much heat as possible reaches your developing embryo inside.

What Do Swans Eat?

Swans are known for their beautiful white eggs that are often used in displays of art and design. But what do swans eat?

They have a varied diet that includes aquatic plants, small fish, rodents, insects, livestock, aquatic invertebrates, and some fallen fruit. They also enjoy eating water lilies and other plants for the nutrients they provide.

Swans are unlike most animals because they eat mostly or exclusively vegetarian food (with the exception of meat-based protein on occasion).

Here is a list of the different types of vegetation that a swan might consume:


*Aquatic plants

*Water lilies

*Bamboo shoots




*Tall fescue grasses

*Aquatic invertebrates

*Honeydew melons

Related post: Can You Feed A Swan When You See Them?

How many eggs do swans lay in a cycle?

Swans lay up to seven eggs every year and are thought to be able to lay up to 250 eggs in a lifetime.

In order to produce one egg, the female swan will need at least three months of rigorous nest building, followed by an 18-month gestation period. Because of their extended time between laying eggs, swans can lay up to two eggs per day in a season.

When it comes down to taking care of these eggs, you’ll want to avoid letting them get too cold or hot as they hatch. If they become too warm during the hatching process, they will be more susceptible to disease and death. Keep your duck eggs in a place that is below 85 degrees Fahrenheit and keep them away from direct sunlight.

If you are keeping the eggs for any length of time before hatching them, be sure that the water level remains above their bottom line so that they stay moist and healthy while incubating. If possible, try not to have any drafts as well as provide food for your ducklings as soon as possible after hatching is complete.

How Do You Care For Your Swan Eggs?

When you are taking care of swan eggs, it is important to keep them at a constant temperature. Ensure that the inside of their nesting box is kept at 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit and keep an eye on the eggs to ensure they are always in this temperature range.

It is also important to remember that these birds like to have a lot of privacy during incubation so make sure you have given them enough space.

Additionally, make sure that you provide your swans with plenty of food and water as they incubate the eggs. You will need to monitor their diet as well as how much they drink in order to account for this.

Ideally, feed the swans once or twice a day and give them plenty of fresh water each time they drink from the water bowl.

Related post: The Different Species Of Swans And How To Identify Each


Swan eggs are a beautiful, blue-gray color with a slightly bumpy surface and a natural sheen. How can you take care of swan eggs?

Swan eggs are about the size of a grapefruit. With proper care, the eggs can live for up to five years. When it comes to caring for these delicate eggs, there are many things that you should know. The size, weight, and shape of the egg help you understand how to properly care for them.

Additionally, the color and shape of the egg help you determine when it is time to hatch them. And finally, you need to know how to care for swan eggs and how long it will take swan eggs to hatch. The hatchlings can take hours to fully break out of the eggshell.


What is the color of swan eggs?

Swan eggs

Swan eggs are a beautiful, blue-gray color with a slightly bumpy surface and a natural sheen. They however change in color during the incubation period due to dirt and scratching by the mother.

What temperature is needed for incubating swan eggs?

Swan eggs require a temperature of 38 degrees celsius or between 95 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit for their incubation. This is achieved by the mother lying on the eggs or you can use an incubator. The mother’s body temperature is 41 degrees celsius.

How many eggs does a swan lay in a year?

Most swans lay seven eggs on average per year in the month of April and May. However, there are lots of variations, up to thirteen eggs being the maximum they can lay in a year.

How long do swans incubate the eggs?

Swans incubate their eggs over a long time period which is around 35 to 36 days on average. The Swan will be dosing, preening, building/arranging the nest, and turning the eggs. This will ensure a good hatching rate.

1 thought on “How To Care For Swan Eggs: The Complete Guide”

  1. This article is very informative. I am raising chickens, ducks and have baby turkeys. I was weird that I was dreaming about swans. So I wanted to see if is any different by hatching out swans. But I am thinking of getting a couple of swans – male and female. It should not be too long for the eggs I have incubating to start hatching.


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